DFT Planning and Strategy

We provide DFT planning services that help define DFT objectives, develop DFT plans, and select appropriate DFT methodologies. We work closely with our clients to understand their testing requirements and design goals.

Scan Chain Implementation

We implement scan chains that allow for easy testing of the design. Scan chains provide a way to capture and observe the state of the design, making it easier to detect and diagnose faults.

Boundary Scan Implementation

We implement boundary scan cells that allow for easy testing of the input/output (IO) pins of the design. Boundary scan cells provide a way to test the connectivity of the design and detect faults in the IO.

ATPG (Automatic Test Pattern Generation)

We provide ATPG services that generate test patterns for the design. ATPG ensures comprehensive testing of the design and detects faults that may be missed by manual testing.

Design Verification

We perform design verification to ensure that the design meets the DFT objectives and is free of faults. We use the latest verification tools and methodologies to ensure that the design is thoroughly tested and verified.