Physical Design

Physical Design is a critical part of the FPGA design process. It involves translating the logic design into a physical design that can be manufactured. At Intrinsic SoC Solutions, we offer comprehensive Physical Design services to help you achieve your design goals.

Floorplanning and Placement

We provide floorplanning and placement services that optimize the placement of the design to meet timing and area constraints. We use the latest tools and methodologies to ensure that the design is placed in the most efficient way possible.

Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS)

We provide CTS services that ensure that the clock network is optimized for performance and power. We use the latest algorithms and techniques to ensure that the clock network meets timing and skew requirements.

Routing and Optimization

We provide routing and optimization services that ensure that the design meets timing and area constraints. We use the latest algorithms and techniques to ensure that the design is routed in the most efficient way possible.

Design Rule Checking (DRC) and Layout Versus Schematic (LVS) Verification

We provide DRC and LVS verification services to ensure that the physical design meets the manufacturing requirements and matches the original logic design. We use the latest verification tools and methodologies to ensure that the design is free of errors and can be manufactured.

Tapeout Support

We provide tapeout support services that help prepare the design for manufacturing. We work closely with our clients to ensure that the design meets the manufacturing requirements and is ready for tapeout.